
Here you will find news on CLIENT II, current project developments as well as reports on sustainable innovations from the seven subject areas and all regions. You can narrow the selection by choosing the subject or region you are interested in from the menu. If you would like to be updated regularly, you can subscribe to the CLIENT II newsletter.

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News Article List

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    Statustreffen Inform@Risk
    Natural hazards
    From 4th to 8th of November, almost 30 German and Colombian project partners met to present initial research results and to organise joint workshops with all participants on site.
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    German Science Day, Hanoi 2019
    Strong German-Vietnamese cooperation on sustainability research: on 30 October 2019, the third German-Vietnamese Science Day took place in Hanoi. Around 200 participants from the academic, private, and public sectors and intermediary organizations presented a wide variety of bilateral projects on sustainability research.
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    Teilnehmende des SHRIMPS-Projektauftakts vor einer geschlossenen Aquakulturanlage des Partners Viet Uc Seafood Corporation in Bac Lieu, Vietnam.© Roland Keil, DLR Projektträger // Participants at the SHRIMPS project launch in front of a closed aquaculture facility run by project partner Viet Uc Seafood Corporation in Bac Lieu, Vietnam.© Roland Keil, DLR Projektträger
    Land management
    On 4 and 5 November, German and Vietnamese partners, along with the local BMBF project office in Vietnam, project-executing agency DLR and local stakeholders, launched the project "SHRIMPS" ("Solar-Aquaculture Habitats as Resource-Efficient and Integrated Multilayer Production Systems") in the Mekong Delta.
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    Kick-Off Meeting SAND!
    Resource efficiency and circular economy
    The CLIENT II project SAND! officially started in October 2019.
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    LoSENS Projektworkshop
    Sustainable energy systems
    Between 21 and 25 October, the Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS) at Trier University received its Senegalese partners from the Local Sustainable Energy Networks in Senegal (LoSENS) project. They came to the university’s Environmental Campus Birkenfeld to attend the tenth edition of the International Circular Economy Week.
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    Projektstart CAMaRSEC
    Climate protection/ energy efficiency, Adaptation to climate change
    The CLIENT II project CAMaRSEC was officially launched on 10 October with a kick-off conference and the inauguration of the local project office in Hanoi.
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    Die Flussaue des Naryn
    Water management, Land management, Sustainable energy systems
    On 30 September 2019, the CLIENT II project ÖkoFlussPlan was officially launched. Nearly 50 German and Kyrgyz stakeholders met for the kick-off in the city of Naryn.
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    Resource efficiency and circular economy, Water management, Climate protection/ energy efficiency, Adaptation to climate change, Land management, Sustainable energy systems, Natural hazards
    On 17 and 18 September 2019, representatives of all the joint research projects approved under the CLIENT II funding initiative came together for the first CLIENT II conference, held at the “Umweltforum” in Berlin. The conference provided a networking opportunity for over 50 international research projects and accompanying scientific projects. The 200 participants were able to discuss how to develop and implement innovative solutions in the areas of climate, environment and energy. They were also given a platform to exchange views on current challenges in their work.
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    Kick-Off Meeting EnerSHelf
    Sustainable energy systems
    From 5 to 7 September 2019, the kick-off workshop for the project EnerSHelf took place in Ghana. On-site, the participants discussed common goals and visited a project site.

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    Presentation of funding certificates: (from left to right) Prof. Uwe Rau, Director of the Institute for Photovoltaics; Dr. Solomon Agbo, Unternehmensentwicklung; Prof. Harald Bolt, Member of the Board of Directors; Ambassador Mobolaji Sakirat Ogundero, Deputy Head of Mission at the Nigerian Embassy in Berlin; State Secretary Thomas Rachel (MdB); Peter Schrum, Sunfarming, and Prof. Ulrich Schurr, Director of the Institute for Plant Sciences
    Benin, Nigeria
    Sustainable energy systems
    YESPV-NIGBEN is a German-African CLIENT II project that aims to support food and energy production in Nigeria and Benin by developing climate-friendly and efficient land-use resources for food and energy production. At the launch event at the research institute Forschungszentrum Jülich on 13 August, Thomas Rachel (MdB) from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) presented the funding certificates to Prof. Harald Bolt from the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich and Dr. Solomon Agbo, who is coordinating the project, as well as other project partners.