Research for sustainability (FONA)
Since 2005, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has been funding research for future-oriented action and innovative solutions for a sustainable society through its Research for sustainability (FONA) program. With the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, the global community has committed to 17 global goals for a better future. Therefore, the new FONA strategy focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and relies on the power of research and innovation.
Following the motto "Knowing how to make the future happen" the new strategy focuses on creating and applying knowledge and bringing research results more quickly into practice – especially in the areas of green hydrogen, circular economy, climate protection and bioeconomy.
The goals
Research can make a decisive contribution to a sustainable future. The FONA strategy formulates three strategic goals that take into account the National Sustainability Strategy (DNS) and the German government's High-Tech Strategy:
- Achieve climate goals
- Research, protect and use habitats and natural resources
- Develop society and the economy – live well throughout the country.
The goals are divided into eight priority fields of action. Actions are presented for each field, supported by specific implementation steps and milestones. The actions are based on current research and innovation needs and are thus the central implementation lever in the FONA strategy. The fields and actions make the contribution of FONA research to the strategic goals transparent and comprehensible. This makes it clear where the goals have been achieved and where follow-up action is required if necessary.