Focal areas
Resource efficiency and circular economy
Water management
Climate protection/ energy efficiency
Adaptation to climate change
Land management
Sustainable energy systems
Natural hazards
© adelphi research gGmbH

Flashback on the CLIENT Conference 2024

On 28 and 29 November 2024, more than 100 participants from Germany and the CLIENT partner countries came together in Berlin as part of the CLIENT Conference 2024. The varied programme of project contributions and panel discussions focused on the impact of 14 years of the CLIENT funding measure and ventured a look ahead to the future of international research and development cooperation for sustainable innovation.

“Science can make the world a better place for generations to come” - With these words, keynote speaker Prof. Quarraisha Abdool Karim (World Academy of Sciences) emphasised the importance of science for solving international challenges and conflicts. Accordingly, the audience followed with interest the presentation of project results and continuation approaches of more than 10 selected CLIENT II projects. Five of these projects were able to realise their presentation in tandem with international project partners, who either travelled to the event or were involved via live link. 

In addition to the scientists, representatives from politics and business also had their say, for example in the panel discussions on the international impact of CLIENT and the future of international innovation and research cooperation. 

The stage programme was complemented by an impressive exhibition of photos and exhibits from 14 years of project work under CLIENT. The exhibition in the foyer of the dbb Forum provided a visual and haptic impression and served as an opportunity for many participants to exchange ideas and network.  

The photos of the CLIENT Conference 2024 can be found under CLIENT Products

Further information on the funding programme can be found here.