SDG success story: revolBRAS
The CLIENT II project revolBRAS aims to increase the recycling rate of PET-containing plastic waste in Brazil by implementing the innovative revolPET® technology. This technology can selectively and continuously depolymerize PET composite packaging (including coloured and opaque PET) and thus produce the corresponding basic building blocks (monomers) in virgin-like quality for new PET production. As a result, the revolBRAS project contributes to SDG 12 “Responsible Production and Consumption”, as the revolPET® technology closes the PET cycle and thus conserves resources.
In addition, the innovative revolPET® technology is also environmentally beneficial, emitting up to 60% fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere compared to the process involving crude oil. In this way, the revolBRAS project contributes positively to SDG 13 “Climate Action”.
The recycling value chain in Brazil is highly dependent on the informal sector, with waste collector cooperatives and street collectors collecting approximately 90% of all post-consumer recyclates in Brazil. The revolPET® technology developed by project coordinator RITTEC can create additional sources of income for those working in the informal sector as it opens up opportunities to recycle previously non-recyclable materials. Thus, the revolBRAS project contributes to SDG 1 “No Poverty” by increasing informal collectors’ income and integrating them into a sustainable business model.