revolBRAS: First Results in the Field Study Extension with Waste Collectors' Cooperatives in São Paulo City
The integration of informal waste pickers into the innovative business model of the revolPET® technology is one of the main goals of the revolBRAS project. To date, waste collectors are a marginalised group in Brazil. Nonetheless, informal waste pickers collect and sort a relevant share of residential waste Opposed to many other countries, informal waste pickers in Brazil are organised in so-called Cooperativas (eng.: waste collectors’ cooperatives). The revolBRAS project closely cooperates with these Cooperativas.
In June 2022, the project team conducted a first gravimetric study in a waste collectors’ cooperative in Ribeirão Preto City (São Paulo State) in cooperation with the University São Paulo to collect data on PET-containing waste factions. Thanks to a cooperation between RITTEC Umwelttechnik GmbH, Source One GmbH and Circulagem Assessoria em Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade Ltda, the study could be extended to also cover five Cooperativas in São Paulo City.
First study results show that PET-containing wastes account for 1,8% of the total waste collected by the waste collectors’ cooperatives. Typically, those fractions would be landfilled. After one month of monitoring and analysis, about 7,7 tons of PET-containing waste fractions were sorted by the five Cooperativas. Those numbers show the potential for the implementation of the innovative revolPET® technology in Brazil.
You can find further information on revolBRAS on the project website.