Project completion CapTain Rain
The Jordanian-German CLIENT II project CapTain Rain "Capture and reTain heavy Rainfalls in Jordan" ended in July 2024. The successful completion of the project was celebrated in Jordan. The big closing event took place in June 2024 at the Al-Hussein Cultural Centre in Amman with more than 70 participants. These included representatives from all Jordanian project partners and other institutions such as the National Centre for Security and Crisis Management, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Royal Scientific Society, the Jordanian Engineers Association and the Jordanian Water Authority. In addition to the German CapTain Rain team, representatives from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the German Embassy in Jordan, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) also attended.
The presentation and discussion of the project results was followed by an exhibition of CapTain Rain products. Participants were able to view the flash flood risk and vulnerability maps, experiment with the climate and water data portals (including https://klimafolgenonline.com/jor/index_de.html?language_id=de), and use a digital touch table to plan and place flash flood mitigation measures in Amman on the map. All products will be used and further developed for heavy rain risk management in Jordan, including through the continuation of existing collaborations.

In addition to the capital Amman, the Wadi Musa region was one of Captain Rain's study areas, including the ancient city of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A final event was also held here on 2 July 2024. The CapTain Rain team met with 15 staff from the local partner, the Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority (PDTRA), including the Chief Commissioner, Dr Fares Braizat, and the project focal point, Dr Hussein Al-Hasanat. A key theme of the event was how CapTain Rain products can be further used to successfully implement climate change adaptation measures. PDTRA is particularly interested in implementing nature-based solutions. This includes the restoration of parts of the ancient Nabataean water management system, including terrace farming.

Detailed descriptions of the various research approaches and the products developed as well as further information on the project are now also available online in the CapTain Rain Wiki.
For more information, visit the project page or the project homepage.