Level-Up: Hermann Sewerin GmbH provides gas analysis device
On 26 July 2023, a representative of Hermann Sewerin GmbH from Gütersloh (Germany) handed over a gas analyser type Multitec 545 to the project team. The Multitec 545 enables the consortium to analyse various product gases directly in Ghana at the Level-Up energy park. Among other things, methane, CO2 and CO concentrations can be measured. Sewerin is providing the Multitec 545 free of charge for the duration of the project, thus supporting safe plant operation. The device also enables testing of the various uses of residual materials in the contextual framework of the region.
During the meeting, Mr Kersting, representative of Sewerin GmbH, explained how to use the gas analyser. Among other things, the function of the Multitec 545 could already be tested successfully with the help of a leak detection attachment in the currently running fermentation tests in the biogas laboratory.
During a tour of the laboratory and pilot plant, the project team presented the various research facilities. Project leader Prof. Dr Stefan Pelz thanked Mr Kersting warmly on behalf of all participants for the generous support. Mr Kersting was impressed by the research facilities at HFR and invited the project team to visit his company’s headquarters in Gütersloh.
The project now enters the crucial phase of preparation as the plant components are being packed into containers for transport to Ghana. Preparatory work is already underway at the partner university UENR in Sunyani to be able to set up the “Waste-to-Energy” park upon arrival.
Further information on the project can be found here.