CLIENT II Conference: Thank you!
Representatives of all the joint research projects approved under the CLIENT II initiative – funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) – came together for the first time on 17 and 18 September at the “Umweltforum” in Berlin. The participants were presented with a varied and interactive conference programme. After a warm welcome by Dr. Christian Alecke, representing the hosting ministry BMBF, they were able to exchange ideas and discuss current challenges in their respective focal areas. On the second day, workshops offered tips and ideas on various cross-cutting topics relevant to all the projects, including intercultural communication, public relations, business modelling, capacity building and involvement in international environmental agreements.
Professional work aside, the CLIENT II conference left plenty of room to unwind and have fun. Around the marketplace and during dinner (accompanied by a jazz band) the participants were able to network and reflect together on the presentations and discussions throughout the day.
From us at Client2Works: Thank you for your cooperation and two exciting days at the first CLIENT II conference! Our personal highlight was the large world map in the foyer where all the projects and partners could place themselves with a Polaroid photo.