CLIENT II-Stakeholder Conference CASIB 2022
This year’s CASIB Conference on “Green Innovations for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Central Asia” will take place in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on 18th-19th October 2022.
As a part of the CLIENT II initiative, the conference is organised and implemented by CASIB (Central Asia Sustainable Innovation Bureau) in cooperation with the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the German Chamber of Foreign Trade Central Asia (AHK).
The conference will provide a forum to exchange about current project activities, project needs and relevant framework conditions in Central Asia for representatives from science, business and politics that are active in the fields of climate mitigation (focus: renewable energies) and climate adaption (focus: land management) in Central Asia.
The CASIB Conference is held within the Inno-Week 2022, a trade fair on “Green Innovation for Sustainable Development” organised by the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. All CASIB Conference participants are invited to also exhibit their projects and products for free during Inno-Week 2022. The Inno-Week 2022 organisers expect an international audience including ministerial representatives of Central Asian countries, representatives of the Committee on Eastern Economic relations of the German economy, the AHK Central Asia, and GIZ.
Conference languages will be Uzbek, English, and Russian.
To register for the CASIB Conference, please contact Dr. Peter Liebelt, head of CASIB.