Adaptation to climate change
Adaptation to climate change
Regional distribution

The focal area of adaptation to climate change includes technologies and innovative infrastructures that reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to the effects of climate change and associated climate extremes. Relevant areas are, for example, coastal protection and land use and the handling of hazardous weather events and services for the practice-oriented use of climate data and climate information (climate services).

Projects are funded in Central Asia (including Mongolia and the Central Asian regions of China), Vietnam, Indonesia, Jordan, Morocco and the countries participating in African SASSCAL (South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia) and WASCAL (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo).


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

Vera Stercken

Referat 723 – Globaler Wandel; Klimaforschung

53170 Bonn

DLR Projektträger

Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit

Roland Keil, Petra Kontny

Address: Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1, 53227 Bonn, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 228 / 3821-1578 /-1542

